HOT Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved elephants poster
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“A Magic of elephants” is a new book by Jennifer Holm and Kourtney Moore. A spunky magic adventure about a girl who has a secret relationship with an elephant that saved her life, for die-hard fans of Jennifer Holm and Kourtney Moore. An all-ages book, it includes an excellent plot, some superb illustrations, and the main character’s unexpected good side. This book has everything a reader could hope for in a children’s book and more. A fun ride for any reader.

The story begins at the beginning of August, 2021, when a young girl named Lexington is walking home from school when a tornado rips through the area. Lexington is badly shaken as she suffers minor wounds from shrapnel in her leg. After visiting her uncle’s house, she collapses and becomes unconscious. A passerby notices the obvious signs of trauma, such as a crushed knee and a badly bruised abdomen. He calls 911, and ambulance officers arrive at the scene soon after.

Lexington is taken to a hospital, where doctors discover she has been buried under the debris. They tell her father that she had been crushed by a large elephant, and that the only way they will find her alive is if she agrees to be moved to the United States and remain at a zoo for at least six months. Distraught, she refuses, but her parents try to reason with her. Eventually, her father persuaded her that it would be better for her to be moved to the United States than remain in a zoo, given her tragic past.

Several years later, while on vacation in Africa, a safari volunteer spots a baby elephant that is trembling with fear. The volunteer instinctively panics, and the frightened animal is taken away to safety. But a vicious lion approaches and attempts to kill the woman. She fights back, and the two fight until the creature finally falls dead. Then the shocked volunteer decides to take the dead animal home and report what she has witnessed to the authorities.

Several years later, two safari workers spot another Elephant that has suffered a similar fate. When they approach the carcass, it jumps to its feet, but then stops, lays down its head, and dies. It is the first time anyone has seen an Elephant dead. The workers call the police, who arrive shortly thereafter and are able to restrain the frightened creature before it dies.

In the end, elephants are often far more frightening than any other creature. When you are driving through a National Park, know that you may encounter one or more of these majestic animals. In many parts of the world, Elephants are part of natural forests or grasslands where they live naturally. Their presence sometimes makes life more dramatic, but they can never be truly domesticated.
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